Find or add reviews for The Miggi
The Miggi is an independent small business. We don’t run lots of adverts so reviews are incredibly important to us. Reading reviews helps potential guests find out about The Miggi and decide whether it’s right for them.
If you have enjoyed a stay with us, please do consider supporting us by leaving some reviews and recommendations on the sites listed below.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the people who have given The Miggi lovely 5-star reviews.

HappyCow is an amazing resource for vegan and veggie travellers, listing plant-based restaurants, cafes, bars, shops, hotels and holidays, with photos and reviews. You can view listings on their website or using their free phone app.
Click the logo to read our reviews or leave us a review.

Facebook recommendations and posts help spread the word about The Miggi.
It’s particularly helpful if you share your review with any Facebook Groups you have joined (e.g. a vegan or veggie group for the area where you live or work).
Click the logo to read our recommendations or leave your own.

Google reviews and ratings show up in search engine results so supporting us here helps make a great first impression on potential guests!
Click the logo to read our reviews or leave us a review.

A lot of people use Tripadvisor to research places to stay, and we have a listing on Tripadvisor to help folk find The Miggi.
Click the logo to read our reviews or leave us a review.
Other places you can review The Miggi
We’ve listed the main sites for reviews and recommendations above, but there are a few other places you can review us if you’d like to:
My Vegan Town by Viva! – you’ll be prompted to leave a review here if you booked via the online travel agent.